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Chartered Sailing in Indonesia

Sailing through Indonesia’s waters aboard a traditional teak phinisi is an unusual, unbeatable experience. Standing on deck, sails billowing in the wind and exotic islands passing by on both sides, you’ll feel like a true adventurer. Spend anything from two nights to two weeks exploring the waters surrounding Flores and Komodo, Raja Ampat or the wider archipelago. Along the way, you can stop off to snorkel among manta rays, and disembark to discover Komodo dragons, smoking volcanoes, and hidden coves…

During your cruise you will:

Flores beach
Plataran Felicia
Komodo dragon
flores sunset

Wild landscapes…

Komodo, Padar and Rinca are the Galapagos Islands of South-East Asia, packed with astonishing natural landscapes and diverse exotic wildlife. Together, they make up the Komodo National Park. With hazy volcanic cinder cones, tropical forests, wild savannah and natural beaches, both parks seem almost prehistoric. Add to this the population of three-metre long Komodo Dragons and you might feel like you’ve wandered straight onto the set of Jurassic Park!

Out on the Indonesian archipelago’s eastern edge, the islands of Raja Ampat are about as close to a pristine paradise as it’s possible to get. Cruise between unspoiled shores lined with dense greenery, and between tiny rocky islets, in search of sheltered bays to drop anchor and dive beneath the turquoise surface…

Conservation in action

Many projects in Indonesia are shining examples of great preservation practice in action, with thriving reefs and diverse marine life being protected through their dedicated work. With a firm focus always on putting the welfare of the wildlife first, there are still many ways to get close to some of the world’s most extraordinary habitats and creatures, from participating in coral restoration to learning about whale shark behavior.

The snorkelling in both Komodo and Raja Ampat is some of the best in Asia, with clear, glassy waters, sharks, manta rays, turtles, colourful coral species and barely a soul in sight. During your sailing expedition, you’ll make strategic stops at superb spots for diving, snorkelling and kayaking.

Classic style

To sail these waters in style, spend a couple of nights aboard a traditional wooden phinisi - a design which dates back over 500 years, and beautiful to look at, which has been updated to include air-conditioned cabins, sunny portholes and full en-suite facilities. Communal meals are prepared by expert chefs, and onboard dive masters can help you explore the stunning underwater world. Snorkel from the side of the boat, or explore the surroundings in a sea canoe. If it’s a warm night with clear skies, sleep on deck under a blanket of stars.

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