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Selective Asia is B Corp Certified

In 2022 we were proud to become a certified B Corporation, or B Corp, taking our place in a community of like-minded, for-profit organisations using the power of business to build a more inclusive and sustainable economy.

What does being B Corp certified mean?

As a certified B Corp, we must thoroughly consider the impact of every potential business decision on our workers, customers, suppliers, community and the environment. 

In a nutshell, we put people and the planet before profit when it comes to making choices and selecting our path. 

Some mistakenly believe B Corp status, as verified by B Lab, to be solely a measure of a business’ sustainable and environmental performance, and whilst this certainly is one area of focus, the assessment and accreditation digs far deeper and reaches far wider. Every certified B Corp must also meet the highest standards of social performance, transparency and accountability. 

How do you become B Corp certified?

To become certified, we underwent an extremely thorough, challenging and rewarding 18-month assessment process, with many of the SA team participating at various intervals. B Lab doesn't stop at kicking the tyres; they open the hood and finely examine every inch of the engine. We set our focus on areas they identified as in need of improvement and set about publishing policies, reorganising, redesigning, and influencing positive change across our greater network, before finally becoming a B Corp. 

What’s next?

And this is only the beginning. Whilst we're proud of what we have achieved, we know we can do even better. A key part of the B Corp process is that we must recertify every three years. The assessment is continually updated and made harder, taking into account the way the world is changing, and this is a good thing - it raises the bar and moves us towards an economy that works for everyone. Being a B Corp also helps us structure a meaningful and ever developing approach to acknowledging and reducing our impact in the form of annual Impact Reports (see our 2023-2024 Impact Report here)

Leading the industry - Travel By B Corp

In September 2022 our founder Nick was elected to the Executive Board of Travel by B Corp -a collective of B Corp Travel Business that share a belief that travel is a force for good. We collaborate to create meaningful change from within the travel industry for all stakeholders.